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Underground Parking Garages and the Risks posed by Electric Vehicles


The Ontario Provincial government of Canada has proposed that a 2,000 vehicle underground parking facility to be built on the shores of Lake Ontario, known as Ontario Place.


It is proposed that the underground parking facility will accommodate visitors’ needs to park their vehicles when attending a large water park, Spa and Science Centre. 


Based upon the history of the technologies associated with electric vehicles, the 2,000 underground parking garage will become a Hazardous Workplace for employees of the facility, as well as for members of the general public.


It is predicted when the underground parking facility becomes operational, health and safety concerns will cause the parking facility to be closed for extensive ventilation and structural repairs for protracted periods of time during its 95-year lease.


Without underground parking, fewer visitors will come to Ontario Place’s proposed new Science Centre and Therme Canada’s Spa. 


Because of the service industry’s high labour costs and operational overheads, it is predicted with declining visitors, revenues for Ontario Place’s establishments will also decline. 


Sooner or later, Therme Canada’s theme park will commercially fail. employees working at the Ontario Science Centre, Spa and theme park will face layoffs. 


If the magnitude and costs of the predicted business risks are made known to all parties during the project’s current planning cycle, perhaps the parties may voluntarily back away from the deal before it is too late.


2.0) The enclosed perspectives are also of value to people who work in buildings with underground parking garages, live in houses with attached garages, drive electric vehicles. and use cell phones.


3.0) As the following perspectives will evidence, Therme Canada brilliantly persuaded the Province and/or City of Toronto, to assume the responsibility and the liability for constructing, operating, and maintaining the proposed underground parking facility reported to be designed to accommodate 2,000 electric and fossil fuel vehicles for the duration of its reported 95-year lease.  


The proposed underground parking structure is financially critical to Therme Canada cash-flows and profits. 


Therme Canada knows that if it assumes the liabilities and financial responsibilities for constructing, operating, and maintaining the proposed underground parking facility it may be forced to abandon its interest in its Ontario Place’s spa and water park project.


Media reports indicate that Therme Canada will not be financially responsible for the underground parking facility. 


This means that Ontario’s workers and TAXPAYERS will be financially responsible for constructing and maintaining the parking facility for 95-lease. 


This also means over the next 95 years; mega-millions of dollars will be diverted away from government budgets to pay workers living wages. to pay for structural repairs and fight legal class actions.

The problem is this: for the reasons referenced in this correspondence, on the balance of probabilities, the underground parking facility will become a legally deemed a HAZARDOUS workplace, especially for night cleaners and other employees of the taxpayers’ funded underground parking facility.


The same hazards become serious health risks to members of the general public who use the underground facility.


Once publicly understood, attendance to the Science Centre and Therme Canada’s Spa will dwindle.

This potentially means that the Province’ plans to subsidize the building of Therme Canada’s Spa and waterpark and build the new Science Centre at Ontario Place may be ABANDONED!

4.0) The following paragraphs provides EXAMPLES of the safety, health, and financial risks associated with underground parking facilities.


4.1) Hazard: Fire - A Vehicle Fire Starts In The UNDERGROUND 2,000 vehicle parking facility:

Imagine the scenario when for example, it is a holiday weekend, and the underground parking facility is full.

At any one time of the 2,000 parking spaces, there will be a mix of fossil fuel vehicles, electric vehicles and electric scooters parked inside the underground parking lot.

During the next few years, although most vehicles parked in the underground garage will be fossil fuel vehicles, nevertheless, there will be growing numbers of electric vehicles parked at different levels inside the facility.

Assume one electric battery spontaneously explodes and sets fire to the adjacent gasoline powered vehicles.


  1. Electric Vehicles and Electric Scooters:
    A plausible threat to public safety exists if a fire starts from a spontaneous exploding electric vehicle’s lithium battery.

    Chevy Bolt Bursts Into Flames, Takes Out a Maserati, Hyundai ,

      The Chevy Bolt has been causing quite a headache for owners as the electric vehicle tends
      to combust spontaneously.

















                       September 8, 2021


What's driving the battery fires with e-bikes and scooters?

faulty lithium-ion battery in the scooter had suddenly burst into flame.

     March 11, 2023


An electric bike parked near a Bronx supermarket that was destroyed in a fire that officials say was caused by a faulty lithium-ion scooter battery.

As firefighters battled a five-alarm fire at a supermarket in the Bronx earlier this month, New York City officials gathered beside what they said was the cause of the fire: the blackened shell of what was once a sit-on electric scooter.


4.2) Fossil Fuel Vehicles:
A plausible threat to employees and public safety exists if an ACCIDENTAL fire starts because not all the 2,000 vehicles will be new and well mainta
ined. Inside the underground parking facility, there will be older and poorly maintained vehicles some of which will have rusty gas tank connectors, and/or leaky engine gas lines.


Dripping gasoline from parked vehicles have fueled numerous fires.

(iii) A potential threat to employees and public safety exists if an INTENTIONAL vehicle fire is caused by an emotionally disturbed person, a disgruntled former employee, or a terrorist seeking to make a political statement.


The 2.000 vehicle underground parking facility makes an ideal TARGET for a low-tech explosion.

If a fire starts at a time when most of the 2,000 vehicles are occupied, say at the park’s closing time, the building will become a potential DEATH TRAP for hundreds of people trapped inside the building.

Many people will be killed because large volumes of toxic smoke will be rapidly released from thousands of litres of burning gasoline/diesel fuel, rubber tires, lithium batteries, and plastics. 


Recycling plant fire fully extinguished, evacuation order still underway, Indiana officials say

The local mayor called the incident a "worst-case scenario."


Firefighters continue to battle the blaze around the clock as over 2,000 residents remain evacuated.

April 13, 2023



OK, so where do you think the tonnes of toxic smoke from the fire will go after it escapes into the atmosphere from Ontario Place? 


Since the winds blow predominantly from the west, this means the highly toxic smoke will drift across downtown Toronto. 


High density condominium and office building HVAC systems will inhale the toxic smoke and distribute the poisonous chemicals into the living and workplace spaces of thousands of people. 

How do you safely evacuate thousands of Torontonians when the fire occurs?


The toxic smoke and gasses will overwhelm the capacity of the building’s ventilation system to exhaust. 


If an explosion ruptures the building’s central electrical system, fire suppression systems may be disabled, Ventilation systems, elevators, escalators, and electric locks on fire doors may not function. If the facility and back-up electric generators are powered with natural gas, the natural gas lines may be ruptured.


Loud noises from car horns, exploding tires, gasoline tanks, electric batteries will echo through the building and contribute to the tragedy.


Since there are no windows in the underground facility, and thick black smoke will quickly fill the atmosphere within the underground facility. People will be engulfed in choking darkness.  Families will become separated in the chaos.


If each vehicle contains on the average two people, and there are 1,000 vehicles remaining in the facility at the time of the fire., potentially there could be as many as 2,000 people that potentially could be present inside the building at the time of the fire.

They will have no light with which to see their way to safety. Panicked patrons may trample each other.

Low ceiling heights, and sharp turns on ramps will prevent fire trucks from entering lower levels of the underground parking garage.


5.0) Hazard: To Human Health & Members of the Public and Company's Employees –Toxic Air Quality

The inventor of the "Air Pressure Equalizing System" is a professional consultant.


He has provided air testing programmes for its commercial and industrial clients.


It is his experienced opinion that the air quality inside the proposed multi-level underground facility housing 2,000 fossil vehicles will pose a toxic and explosive atmospheric HAZARD to the public and to OPSEU employees.


Car Exhausts: For example, at closing time, when up to 2,000 fossil fuel vehicles start their engines, and que up on ramps with engines idling and slowly drive up the facility’s exit ramps, tonnes of carbon dioxide and other gases will be emitted into the facility’s underground atmosphere.  

Members of the public and employees will be exposed to benzene, Carbon Dioxide, Ultra-Fine particles, and other health-altering toxic molecules. 


Please refer to the following list of “Gasoline Molecules you smell when fueling your vehicle”.

Escaping Vapours from parked vehicles’ fuel systems:



Another clear hazard and medically recognized threat to visitors; and employees’ health is caused from people breathing trace amounts of cancer-inducing gasoline vapours escaping from parked vehicle’s fuel systems into the underground facility’s confined space atmospheres. 

Employees will be legally justified in striking for safer workplaces because the employer is causing them to work in a hazardous workplace!  


Parking revenues will be disrupted while the strike continues. Costs to rectify the problem will be significant if the hazardous atmosphere problem can be solved in the first place. There will always be older and poorly maintained vehicles inside the underground parking facility.

The following article was published by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s (CMHC’s) about how gasoline vapours escape from vehicles parked in attached garages that seep into people’s homes.


The same physics and chemistry that causes toxic vapours to migrate from vehicles parked in garages attached to homes applies to vehicles parked in underground parking garages.


Attached Garages and Indoor Air Quality CMHC


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)


Canadians can spend an average of 90 per cent of their time indoors.


Having clean indoor air is therefore critical for respiratory health.


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and others have published material on how to provide good indoor air quality (IAQ).


However, there is one source of pollutants that we are just discovering: automotive pollution from attached garages.


This About Your House discusses the risks of attached garages and how to keep car-based pollutants out of your house.


Attached garages are convenient and are a common part of suburban houses. The attachment could be to the side of the house, with a room over top of the garage, or even as a part of what traditionally is the basement (see figures 1, 2 and 3).


Figure 1 — Garage attached at the side of the house

















Figure 2 — Room over top of the garage















Figure 3 — Garage as part of the basement

















Automobiles give off pollution.

Starting a car in a garage, even with the garage door wide open, can result in a higher concentration of combustion pollutants (for example, carbon monoxide) in the garage and house.


Driving a car into the garage and closing the door results in emissions of various chemicals over the next several hours as the engine and its fluids cool down.


The pollutants in the garage air can be drawn into the house over time.


This is not just a theoretical problem. In a survey done by Health Canada in more than 100 houses in Windsor, Ontario, the results were very clear.


Houses with attached garages had measurable concentrations of benzene (a gasoline related pollutant) in their indoor air. Houses with no garages or detached garages had little or no benzene. This is true of a host of other airborne chemicals.


The study revealed that pollutants in attached garages can find their way into the house.


There are also secondary sources of pollutants in garages, apart from car-based emissions. There are many gas-powered appliances, such as lawn mowers, chain saws and edging tools whose emission systems are not as good as those found in cars. Chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides are also sources of pollutants.


One disconcerting fact is that garage-to-house air movement is not obvious or straightforward. In the 1990s, when the first inexpensive carbon monoxide (CO) sensors became commercially available, many started going off without an evident source of carbon monoxide.


Responders such as utilities and fire departments often wrote off the incidents as false alarms, prompted by over-sensitive CO detectors. However, research in Minnesota (Wilber & Klossner, 1997) showed that the time delay of CO entry to the house from the garage could be a factor.


When a cold car engine starts up in the garage, even with the main garage door open, it can generate up to several hundred parts per million of carbon monoxide gas in the garage. Once the car has left and the garage door is closed, the garage may still hold a relatively high CO concentration for hours. Air leaking from the garage to the house can cause the CO level in the house to start climbing. After several hours, the house CO level is high enough to set off the CO alarm, but by then the garage is low in CO and is not recognized as a source.


How Garage Air Gets Into Your House

It can be difficult to understand how and why garage air moves into the house. After all, there is at least one layer of drywall between the house and the garage, and a significant amount of insulation. The door from the attached garage to the house typically has weather stripping and a spring to hold the door closed. So how does air enter?


Air can move through small cracks in the walls between the house and the garage, and through the top floor ceiling. There are many tiny holes and cracks that permit this air exchange to take place and they exist in all houses. It takes a sophisticated test with specialized tools, such as a blower door and leakage detection equipment, to find infiltration and exfiltration points.


Field tests by CMHC have discovered that the walls (and perhaps ceilings) between garages and the house can be as air leaky as the rest of the house. Some houses get most of their “fresh air” through the garage. One or two of those tested had so little leakage that there was no measurable air movement through the walls between house and garage. However, most garages have some air leaks, roughly in proportion to the size of the exterior wall.


But air movement into a house requires both a hole and a pressure difference. Does a pressure difference exist? Yes. CMHC measured the pressure difference across the house-garage wall and the house pressures are often lower than garage pressures, especially in winter. This is quite common in colder weather. Having exhaust fans or vented heating appliances also creates lower pressures inside the house, and garage air is drawn in through the leaks.


Preventing Garage-to-House Transfer in New Houses

The best way to prevent garage air entry into the house is to make sure that there are no leaks between the garage and the house. In new construction, this should be easy. The builder should make the interface walls and ceilings as airtight as possible. This is more readily done if the builder knows that reducing pollution transfer from the garage is a priority.


The builder should:

  1. Ensure the airtightness of the garage ceiling and walls that are next to the house before the insulation is installed and before installing drywall on the garage side.

  2. Check all wall-to-wall junctions or wall-to-floor junctions and seal them. If the top of the basement wall is exposed in the garage, that header space can be notoriously leaky.

  3. Diligently seal all penetrations from the house to the garage (wiring, central vacuum exhaust and so on).

  4. Keep mechanical systems (furnaces, water heaters and so on) out of the garage. While most Canadian builders would not consider putting mechanical systems in the garage, it is common practice in parts of the U.S. The few Canadian houses that CMHC has tested (in B.C.) with heating systems located in the garage showed high levels of garage pollutants in house air.

  5. Preventing Garage-to-House Pollution Transfer in Existing Houses

It is much harder to prevent air movement from a garage to a house in an existing house. In a house already built, there will be leakage areas, but they are usually hidden.


They are not easy to locate and not easy to seal.


However, air-sealing the garage-to-house walls and ceilings may still prove worthwhile. If the garage side has no drywall, sealing air leaks may be simple. If the drywall is simply screwed on the wall and is otherwise unfinished, removing the drywall gives access to the interior spaces.


Finishing the drywall itself with drywall compound and paint, as well as caulking all visible cracks and joints, may improve airtightness.


Another approach involves installing an exhaust fan to vent garage air outside. A good bathroom fan could be used. By operating the fan, the garage becomes depressurized relative to the house thereby preventing air movement from the garage to the house.


This will not impact to any great extent on house heating costs but there will be an electrical cost to run a fan.


The use of a garage exhaust fan may lower the garage pressure enough for airflow through the holes to go from the house to the garage, rather than the garage to the house. Check the pressure difference by opening the door to the house just a crack and feeling for air movement from the house to the garage.


A smouldering string can also be used to detect air movement. If air is moving into the garage, the pressure is in the right direction. This will assure that garage pollutants do not enter house air.


To avoid high electrical costs, choose an exhaust fan with low energy consumption. To further reduce fan usage, have the fan activated for a period (for example, one hour) after the garage door is used.


Continuous use of the exhaust fan is recommended if:

  • There are a lot of noxious chemicals in the garage. Better yet, consider sending them to a hazardous waste disposal site.

  • The garage is used to store or maintain older vehicles with higher emissions.

  • There is a lot of coming to and going from the garage through the main garage door.

  • ​

What to do

All buyers of new houses should confirm that their builder is aware of this issue and takes measures to do a good job of sealing air leakage paths. It is the only easy time to seal the air leakage points. An effective air sealing approach is far better than installing an exhaust fan after the fact.


Owners of existing houses have harder choices. If there is evident and annoying transfer of odours and drafts from the garage to the rooms next to the garage, the leaks should be located and sealed. If that task is too onerous or expensive, the garage exhaust fan solution could be considered.


Finally, if the attached garage is not used for vehicles (as is often true) and there are no other major chemical sources in that space, garage-to-house air movement should not be a significant problem.


Wilber, M.W., & Klossner, S.R. (1997).

A study of undiagnosed carbon monoxide complaints.
Proceedings of Healthy Buildings/IAQ ‘97, 3.

Related CMHC Information

Carbon Monoxide

Combustion Gases in Your Home — Things You Should Know About Combustion Spillage

How to Reduce Chemical Contaminants in Your Home

The Importance of Bathroom and Kitchen Fans

Breathe Healthier Air in Your Home: A Consumer Guide to Residential Indoor Air Quality Investigations

Garage Performance Testing

Clean Air Guide: How to Identify and Correct Indoor Air Problems in Your Home






When the 2,000 vehicle underground parking garage is full, a substantial portion of 2,000 gasoline fueled vehicles will be seeping gasoline vapours into the underground building’s confined spaces. 


At night, the heavier than air gasoline vapours will drift down to the lower levels and accumulate in flammable/explosive concentrations.

The following is a list of chemical molecules that evaporate as gasoline vapors when vehicles are parked and when moving through air


WARNING: If you can smell gasoline when you are pumping gasoline into your vehicle, you are inhaling these molecules some of which cause cancer.


To reduce your exposures, stand upwind of the gasoline pump's hose nozzle so that the vapors are blown away from you.























In addition, when vehicles start up inside a garage or enter a garage, they exhaust toxic contaminates that also penetrate through walls and floors into workers’ offices, washrooms, lockers, and storage areas.


Studies indicate that air pollution from vehicle traffic’s exhausts is one of the leading causes of cardiac arrests.


Members of the public, and  workers with pre-existing heart problems will be at a higher risk.

The Province must be challenged on how it plans to safely exhaust these huge volumes of toxic gases from up to 2,000 vehicles without harming members of the public and/or employees inside the building as well as the people who live or work down-wind of the building’s exhaust vents. The toxins accumulated within the building and vented do not magically disappear! They toxic molecules will drift great distances carried on wind-currents to persist somewhere.


Many of the toxic molecules are water soluble. The facility is immediately adjacent to Lake Ontario and will be there for 95 years.


The challenge to the Province as to its proposed underground facility being constructed is warranted because every commercial and industrial building that I have inspected posses dead air spaces.

Dead Air spaces are the results of its architectural barriers and inadequate ventilating systems.  

Some gases are heavier than air such as Carbon Dioxide.  In-take vents are often placed in the ceilings and not at floor level.


Ceiling place intake vents do not exhaust heavier-than-air gases e.g., Carbon Dioxide, gasoline vapours.


The changing geometry of vehicles parked in different space, plus the heat from their engines causing air currents to rise, pose many barriers to safely venting air supplies especially during peak hours when large numbers of vehicles are entering and/or leaving the underground facility with their engines running.


Air borne toxic accumulate and concentrate in these dead air space areas. 

If explosive vapours gather, a static electricity spark can ignite the chemical vapours.

6.0) Hazard - Falling Cement Due To Contaminated Cement Used To Construct Walls, Floors, and Support Columns.


The probability is that the cement used to construct the new Science Centre and the underground parking facility will be contaminated with dissimilar heavy metals contained within Municipal Waste Incinerators’ Boiler Ash that burn industrial and residential waste to generate (dirty) electricity. 

Cement producers are substituting expensive gravel with cheap Municipal Waste Incinerator Ash.

Addendum (I) provides more details on this cost-saving practice.


Incinerator ash is contaminated with varieties of unburned ash cinders composed of unburned for example Dioxins, Chlorine, compounds, copper, zinc, cobalt, aluminum i.e., heavy metals, asbestos, glass, radioactive particles etc. 


Dioxins are regarded by the World Health Organization, Health Canada and the E.P.A. as being the most carcinogenic molecule known to medical science.

Dissimilar metals in presence of an electrolyte such as carbonic acid formed from Carbon Dioxide from exhausts and humidity form micro batteries with electric currents. Traces of road salt (Sodium Chloride) will be carried into the underground parking facility imbedded in the treads of tires and melting snow from parked vehicles. Chlorine when dissolved water, (humidity) dissolves into hydrochloric acid.


The micro electric currents within the cement will be accelerate the premature aging of the underground cement structure during the 95-year lease. 


The premature deterioration of the cement used in the Gardner Expressway was attributed to this electrolyte process.

Crews investigating ceiling collapse at Toronto underground parking garage.

July 11, 2022


One person was killed and five others were injured when a parking garage in New York City partially collapsed.

April 18, 2023


NEW YORK (AP) - A parking garage collapsed Tuesday in lower Manhattan's Financial District, killing one worker, injuring five and crushing cars as concrete floors fell on top of each other like a stack of pancakes, officials said.


Vehicles tumbled into what looked like a frozen stream of sedans and SUVs. People nearby described a fearsome rumbling, followed by screams.


Ahmed Scott arrived to collect his car after work and found a disaster in the making.



4 Parking Garages Ordered Evacuated After Deadly Collapse in Manhattan - April 28, 2023

In a sweep of dozens of garages, engineers found unsafe conditions including deteriorated steel beams and cracked or crumbling concrete.

   Source: New York Times



What causes spalling concrete?

There are several causes of spalling concrete. However, it is largely caused by carbonation, which is the natural deterioration process of concrete.

Over time, water seeps into the concrete, which reacts with calcium compounds and carbon dioxide, causing cracks to develop and decreasing the concrete's durability.

This carbonation causes the steel bars embedded in the ceiling slab to corrode, which in turn causes the concrete cover to crack and bulge.

Several other reasons cause spalling concrete, namely:

  1. Corrosion of embedded reinforcing steel, and because the resulting rust occupies more volume than the original steel, the resultant pressure spalls the concrete.

  2. Fire exposure causes water within the concrete to boil and stem, creating internal expansive pressure in the concrete, consequently causing spalling damage.

  3. Expansive effects of Alkali-Silica Reaction whereby silica reacts with alkali hydroxide in concrete to form a gel that swells as it absorbs water from the surrounding cement paste or the environment.

  4. Inadequate depth of cover over reinforcement.

  5. Low-quality concrete cover over reinforcing steel.

  6. Joint spalls are often caused by improperly constructed joints lead to joint spalling.




Elliot Lake fatal mall [parking] collapse comes down to 'human failure,' report says.

Public inquiry spent months examining Algo Centre Mall collapse in June 2012 that killed 2 women.

“Apathy, neglect and indifference to mediocrity, ineptitude, incompetence and outright greed” riddled the fate of the mall, the report says.

CBC News · Posted: Oct 15, 2014


Floors of the underground structure will be closed for months while costly repairs are completed. Repairs will disrupt the flow of parking revenues.

Hazard: The symptom of cement deteriorations will be pieces of cement falling on parked cars and/or members of the |public will induce costly lawsuits to recover damages.    

If the Province of Ontario and/or City of Toronto become responsible for paying for the parking facility’s high maintenance costs as the building ages, this poses an ongoing, and costly financial burden to Ontario taxpayers and future governments’ budgets.  As previously mentioned, there will be fewer dollars with which to pay workers a living wage.

The scenario of an accelerated deterioration of the facility’s cement structures is confidently predicted because water is the universal solvent.

Water will dissolve the cement walls of the underground parking facility because the underground parking levels are beneath Lake Ontario’s water table!

Over time, seeping water will dissolve the underground parking facilities cement water retaining walls and supporting structures.

Falling slabs of cement are predicted to happen due to Hydrostatic pressure, (force of gravity) pressures, freeze-thaw cycles, extreme weather events, cement mixed with municipal waste incinerators.

As mentioned previously, Toronto's Gardiner Expressway is an example of this premature deterioration of cement floors and supporting columns.


8) Hazard: Extreme Weather Events:
orrential Rains will Flood of Underground Levels.

    Extreme Weather Events are occurring with greater ferocities and durations.

    The New York Subway has been flooded many times in the last few years.

    Rainstorm turns New York City subway stations into urban waterfalls
July 18, 2022

    When it rains, it pours in the Big Apple — even underground.

   Heavy downpours battered the city on Monday, turning at least two subway stations into urban
   waterfalls and causing travel headaches as trains were delayed from the deluge.

   Dramatic video posted to Twitter shows rainwater pouring from the Washington Heights station’s
   ceiling onto the subway platform and tracks below.

   Up to 14 inches of water flooded the roadbed and impacted the third rail that provides electrical
  power to the subway trains, according to the MTA.

   Above ground, some Washington Heights streets resembled rivers, including Nagle Avenue,
   where  the water reached the top of cars’ tires, according to photos posted by News 12 Bronx.

  MTA crews were pumping out the water from the tracks and assessing the damage late Monday

  A column of water gushed onto the edge of the train platform inside Jefferson Street L train
   station, video posted by the Subway Creatures Twitter account shows

   One video shows water rushing down the stairs of a multi-level subway station from a closed door.    The other shows commuters armed with umbrellas trudging through a flooded station.

  The Metro North system was also plagued by flash flooding. Service on the Harlem and New Haven    Lines was suspended for hours due to track flooding.

  Other News:

  NYC breaks heat record set in 1977 as temperatures soar to 90

  Coast-to-coast record highs expected as above-average warmth arrives for 200 million in US



It is clear that the proposed Ontario Place’s underground parking facility constitutes a Hazardous Workplace and a threat to the public’s health and safety.  If flooding reaches electric vehicle charging stations, high voltage electricity currents will flow into the water where potentially pepple are walking.


To date, this issue has mot be raised by politicians or the news media.  Perhaps OPSEU will consider raising the public’s awareness to these risks.


9.0) Hazard Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) non-ionizing radiations from 2,000 vehicles poses a clear health HAZARD to members of the public and Ontario Place’s employees

9.1) Please note that when entering into an underground parking garage you are being exposed Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) non-ionizing radiations. 


If the underground parking garage you enter into is at Toronto’s Ontario Place, you will be exposed to substantial voltages of health-alertering EMFS radiating from up to 2,000 vehicles. These EMFs  poses a clear health BIO-HAZARD to members of the public and workers at the park.


This is because vehicles emit non-iconizing electromagnetic frequency radiations. 

Microwave frequency (EMF) radiations easily penetrate human bodies.


These external sources of electrons through constructive and destructive interference alter the normal transmission of electrons across neurons.


These electrical disturbances alter the functions of hormone production and cell divisions. Studies of Hydro Quebec Workers and New York City Electric Train Drivers saw a higher incidence of leukemia in the employees.


When the Ontario Place's underground parking lot is full, the total energy carried by electromagnetic frequencies from up to 2,000 vehicles will be HEALTH ALTERING. 


The EMFs will be (HAZARDOUS) because microwave frequency transmissions will penetrate cement walls and humans!

The following URL is a link to a short video.  It demonstrates how Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) Non-Ionizing Radiation emissions from a remote (3.5 volt) Open-Lock automobile’s Fob Key penetrates the human skull when held against the head that is placed between a far-away parked car and the transmitting Fob Key’s internal micro transmitter.!AhWufP7OO7k_l7lTVvOozPVoGwSm9w?e=fWUTcG


9.2) EMF emissions penetrating vehicle and occupants from High Tension Hydro Wires mounted on hydro towers in Loblaws parking lot

To illustrate the penetrating power of EMS radiations, the following please access this brief video.!AhWufP7OO7k_l7QW72HRAcWbB5n-Uw?e=piBwbZ


9.3) Hazardous EMF emissions from Electric Vehicles.

Occupants of electric vehicles are bathed in EMF radiations. Electric stoves operate with 220 volts.  Electric vehicles may operate up to 900 volts.








9.4) Brain - Quadrillion connections – CBC Radio programme, - Quirks and Quarks - March 17, 2023

The human brain has 100 BILLON Neurons. Neurons are the cells we use to think.

To do the thinking, each neuron is connected to 15,000 other neurons. There is an estimated quadrillion connection in the human brain.

Electrons flow through the neurons to conduct the thinking, cell division, enzyme, hormone, production etc.

Just as a compass needle can be altered by a nearby external piece of iron, so can electrons be increased or decreased in strength by external sources of Electromagnetic frequency radiations.


Please move your mouse cursor to    22:14 / 54:02


9.5) The Brain and human cells run on electricity

     Source:  The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Public Radio’s science programme
     “Quirks and Quarks”, April 1, 2023

Every living cell works as a battery, with the ability to respond to and send out electrical signals.

An ION is an atom or molecule with a net positive or negative electric charge due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons.


So, the flow of electrically charged particles called ions flow into and out of neurons and controls the release of neurotransmitters, which go across the synapse. And that's how the nervous system signal propagates throughout the body and how the brain passes signals to the limbs to move the body.

It's how the body tells the brain about the environment via sensory input.


This event is literally electric; it depends on a voltage flipping and the voltage that we're talking about is generated by the fact that these little bouncers in your cell membrane, called "ion channels," admit potassium and refuse to admit sodium.


While a cell is in its happy place, called its resting potential, there's always an imbalance of ions inside, it's very heavy on potassium.


Outside, it's very heavy on sodium.


The inside of the cell is always minus 70 millivolts more negatively charged than the outside. That's the neuron's resting potential.


Oh, I see. The ones inside the cell are like the dancers in the nightclub having a good time and the ones on the outside are those standing in line waiting to get in.


Exactly. And they're sort of pressing their face against the blackened windows and they're like, how come I can't get in?


OK and it's the difference between those two that's making this electric voltage you're talking about.

Yes, exactly. And then what happens is when the action potential comes through from a neighbouring neuron, it's panic at the disco.


Like suddenly, all the gates open, all the sodium ions flow in, all the potassium ions flow out and the voltage difference drops to zero.


And it's that flipping between 0 and 70 millivolts which passes the action potential down the nerves to the muscles and back.


Now how prevalent are these electrical signals throughout the rest of our body, beyond the brain?

Scientists started looking at other cells and discovered that other cells have these same ion channels in them.


Bone cells, plant cells, fungal cells and stem cells, everything has ion channels.

And when they started to understand that every cell is a little battery at the level of the membrane.

The threat to workers and the general public is from exposures to large volume of electromagnetic frequency non-ionization from large numbers of cell phones. 


In a 2,000-parking underground parking garage, if each car contains between 2 to four passengers and each are carrying cell phones, this mean there are say 6,000 possible cell phones each remitting send and receive location signals trying to find the nearest cell tower.


Each cell phone contains eight aerials. One arial is for sending and the other for receiving. Each aerial is designed of one microwave frequency service, blue tooth, GPS, Internet, etc.

Additional information on vehicle fires.


The average Canadian personal vehicle’s gasoline tank can carry between 45 to 65 liters of fuel.

for calculation purposes, for example a holiday weekend, when the parking facility is full, each of the 2,000 vehicles will hold on to the average 40 litres of fuel. This equals a potential of 80,000 litres of gasoline/diesel fuel that are available to catch and fuel a huge fire!


In addition, 2,000 vehicle that have 4 rubber tires and one spare tire equals 5 tires.


Five tires’ times 2,000 vehicles equals 10,000 tires that are potentially available to catch on fire. 

A fire in the underground parking facility with tonnes of flammable gasoline, burning tires and exploding batteries will be uncontrollable.


If the explosion and fire cuts electrical cables, the building’s fire suppression systems will fail.

If the parking facility’s ceiling height is too low, and ramp curves too tight, fire trucks will be prevented from entering the building.


Insurance companies will want to charge high premiums to cover their liability risks. 

When the predicted explosion happens, people and vehicles inside the facility will not be able to escape.

Millions of dollars of lawsuits will be files naming Toronto City as the primary defendant.  For example,

    34 cars burned up in Niagara-on-the-Lake grass fire.

     Source: CTV News Toronto July 8, 2018, ~:text=Firefighters%20in%20Niagara-on- 


    Flames and thick black smoke filled an area in Niagara-on-the-Lake where a fire ripped through
    a parking area being used for a festival.
Firefighters in Niagara-on-the-Lake say 34 cars went up in flames Sunday after a grass fire
    started in a field that was being used as a parking lot.

    At around 3:40 p.m., a fire started under a vehicle from exhaust to the dry straw.

   The fire quickly spread, fully igniting 19 vehicles, and partially damaging 15 others.

   Eleven fire trucks and 40 firefighters were called to the field to stamp out the blaze. Crews
   were able to contain and extinguish the fire and no injuries were reported.

   So far damage has been estimated at between $1.2 million and $1.5 million.


Observation: If the damages were estimated at between $1.2 million and $1.5 million for only 34 cars,

imagine what the lawsuits will claim for damaging up to 2,000 parked vehicles.


Through the “Chimney Effect” the heavier than air gasoline vapours will flow into elevator shafts, stair wells, electrical conduits, downwards into lower levels.


The website provided materials that concluded that the when the total process of mining and refining critical materials for batteries and electric motors, and manufacturing charging stations and upgrading electricity distribution networks and infrastructures are calculated, Canada’s gross Carbon Dioxide emissions will significantly increase not decrease.


The website also provided am alarming summary of Earth of the effects cause by warming oceans and the change in Earth’s centre of gravity.   The website lists the Global reasons why humans must begin reducing their Carbon emissions. 


To review these evidence-based reasons for sequestering Carbon Dioxide, and seeking alternative and greener technologies, please select the menu Tab at the top of your screen, “How You Are Saving The Environment”


Based upon the fact that the Earth’s centre of gravity is changing as observed by NASA’s satellites, to achieve its self-serving commercial objectives the Ontario government plans to destroy Ontario Place’s 850 trees.

      Ontario Place Nearly 850 trees would be   cut down to make way for sprawling water 
    park, underground parking lot
                  - December 17, 2022

     Ontario Place plans are being reviewed by the city. But some urge Toronto to look at other options.

    Nearly 850 trees would be cut down to make way for sprawling water park, underground parking

    Source:  CBC News December 17, 2022




Vehicle’s Contributions To Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events

Wildfires, multi-year droughts, flooding, landslides, earthquakes are attributed to human activities releasing increasing volumes of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere.


We must start reducing Carbon emissions from all sources or suffer the predicted consequences.


The website describes a low-cost technology that offers the opportunity to mitigate carbon emissions from millions of vehicles.

The carbon footprint, to construct, maintain, and operate this 2,000 underground parki for 95-years will be significant. 

At this moment in human and Global warming history, we do not need this costly and environmentally harming entertainment centre to be built at “Ontario Place”.





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