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Thank you for visiting this Results of Experiments page.

The inventor did not have the money to pay for expensive Wind Tunnel Testing
and hiring professional engineers to computer model different components for specific makes and models of personal 

Consequently, the inventor cannot show you at this moment in time, a
recommended arrangement of components with which to equip your personal vehicle that will dramatically reduce your fuel consumption and Carbon Dioxide emissions. 

It will take time to raise money to pay for wind tunnel testing.

The serious problem is that the earth is getting warmer as you visit this website. 
or the reasons explained in this website, we are quickly running out of time to start effectively reducing Carbon Dioxide emissions from our vehicles and other sources. 

Therefore, to avoid wasting any more time, you are asked to look at the
photographs of past experiments using the invention's improvised,
proof-of-concept components, and innovatively adapt the provided ideas
to suit your personal vehicle.

In thinking about doing making a copy of the invention for your personal vehicle, please note that thousands of (kilometers, (miles) of road-testing "things" placed onto bicycle rack's (i.e., intermediary structures) prove that the "things" generate waves of micro turbulences that through
destructive interference, reduce the size of areas containing low air pressures that normally form immediately behind blunt ended, moving vehicles. 

Drag is the result of large areas containing low air pressures that form
immediately beyond the trailing surfaces of moving vehicles, compared to surrounding (ambient) air pressures that cause vehicles to burn gasoline, diesel and/or electricity.

Extensive road testing proves that hanging practically any object that allows air molecules to flow through its parts on a bicycle rack will improve fuel efficiency for vehicles that on the average travel faster than typical city speed limits. 

Since the invention employs the principles of aerodynamics to reduce fuel consumption, vehicles must be travelling at freeway speeds i.e., faster than 50 kilometers per hour, (30 miles) per hour.

The things (i.e., components), that are shown in the provided photographs were arranged in different configurations on a random trial and error basis. 

As mentioned previously, the inventor did not have the money to pay for expensive Wind Tunnel Testing and hiring professional engineers to computer
model different components for specific makes and models of personal vehicles.

So he improvised. 

The inventor used real highways as a wind tunnel, to test his theories and invention's components. 

The inventor theorized that by placing physical objects in the path of high
velocity air molecules immediately 
AFTER they left the trailing surfaces of
moving vehicles but
BEFORE they have time to form areas containing low air pressures, the high velocity air molecules will transfer portions of their
engeries to the physical objects (i.e., components) and

The slower air molecules will then flow away from the moving vehicles to
be quickly dispersed (dissipated) by surrounding air molecules containing comparatively higher air pressures so as to Equalize areas contaiing different air pressures with eatch other.

Smaller areas containing low air pressures closer to surrounding air pressures impart weaker forces on moving vehicles which translates into weaker Drag forces act on moving vehicles. 

It takes less fuel to overcome those weaker air resistance (Drag) forces.

The road tests  of the invention's components were recorded using the Imperial gallon and the miles per gallon systems. 
   An Imperial gallon contains 4.54 liters
   A U.S. gallon contains           3.78 liters 
      the Imperial gallon is slightly larger than a US gallon by .76 liters

After each road test, the Miles Per Gallon (MPG) were calculated and entered
into the title of the photograph of the components that were mounted on the vehicle's bicycle rack. 

Please click on the following button to see examples of better fuel saving combinations of components

The red coloured compact station wagon seen in the photographs below was a
21-year old Ford Escort, compact station wagon. 

The Ford Motor company advertised that when its fresh-off the assembly line,
newly manufactured Ford Escort station wagon that was probably driven by a professional driver with properly inflated tires, on a flat track, on a dry day, without cross winds. The test track would have no competing traffic, and no stop lights. 
Ford advertised its Escort station wagon delived a fuel efficiency of 
35 miles per Imperial gallon.

The following photographs of test vehicles show road tests of where a
Ford Escort station wagon was equipped with the he invention's components,
where the components reduced the Ford Escort's Drag to such an extent that it periodically it delivered the fuel efficiency was
90 Miles To the Gallon (MPG.)! 

The following thermal image shows dark blue turbulences forming
behind a moving four door, personal  vehicle moving through air. 

The dark blue colour shows where the areas form that contain lower air
pressures just beyond the vehicle's trailing surfaces.

Tip: When constructing your version of the invention, try to place your components as close to the trailing edge of the moving vehicle as is safely possible. 

This is where volumes of high velocity, low air pressure air molecules can
collide with your components, and transfer portions of their energies to the
components and slow down.

Finding the best distance to place your components is a
trial and error process.
The process can be frustrating, but keep on trying.  You will find the optimum locations to place the components.

The following photographs and thermal images will give you ideas where to place your components.

Tip:  The inventor went to bicycle repair stores and asked if they had any damaged bicycle rims that they were going to discard as garbage. The inventor repurposed those rims as invention's components and kept them out of landfill sites. 

On ocassion, the inventor improvised by using wires from coat hangers to act as missing spokes.

He also made look-alike bicycle wheels and rims out of coat hanger wires.  

The straight slats seen below were made from five eighth inch thick plywood that
were cut into one inch slats thirty six inches long. 

The SUV to which the slats were attached is rated by its manufacture of
delivering 40 miles to the gallon.  The slats delivered
73 miles to the Imperial gallon!

Please note that no proof-of-concept road tests have been conducted on pick-up trucks and light vans.


Finally, I understand why cars have aerfoils,

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