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Photographs of Combinations of Fuel Saving Components


Please CLICK the Buttons to see the different ways that different components were combined with each other, and placed on the vehicle’s bicycle rack at different distances from each other to get more efficient distance-extending, fuel-saving, Carbon Dioxide-reducing results.


I)      90 to 98 Miles Per Gallon (MPG)



II)    80 to 89 Miles Per Gallon (MPG)



III)  70 to 79 Miles Per Gallon (MPG)



IV)  60 to 69 Miles Per Gallon (MPG)


The buttons display photographs of components that on the day’s (temperature, weather, wind direction and traffic conditions) that they were mounted on test vehicle’s bicycle racks an driven to reduce the vehicle’s air resistance, i.e., Drag, to such an extent that the vehicle went farther than the vehicle manufacturer said it could on one gallon of fuel, one liter of fuel, or on one charge of an electric battery.


Please note the use of Miles Per Gallon (MPG).  MPG is used to measure the efficiencies of the different arrangements of components mounted on the vehicle’s bicycle rack because as a child, the inventor attended Canadian schools that taught the Imperial measurement of things, not the Metric method for measuring things.


The Canadian schools switched to teaching the international Metric system long after the inventor graduated from University.


Nevertheless, the Imperial Measurement method for measuring things was imprinted on the inventor’s habit of thinking.


Therefore, the inventor calculated the thousands of component road tests results using the Miles Per Gallon (MPG) method of measurement, and not the Metric system. 


In addition, American visitors to the Climate Innovations Organization’s website should note that the Imperial gallon is twenty percent larger in volume compared to the U.S. gallon. Therefore, vehicles will travel farther on an Imperial gallon than they will on the smaller U.S. gallon.


But visitors to the Climate Innovations Organization’s website can ignore all these different methods for measuring fuel/distances travelled efficiencies.

All that drivers need to understand is that the components function by altering the aerodynamic path of air molecules AFTER they leave the trailing surfaces of bodies moving through air, but BEFORE they have time to collect together in areas containing air pressures lower than surrounding (ambient) air pressures, slightly beyond the trailing surfaces of vehicles moving through air.


And as a result, the invention’s components generate the positive relationship that when vehicles are equipped with the invention’s components, they will travel two to three times farther while using any type of energy, (e.g., gasoline, diesel, hydrogen, ammonia, propane, etc.,) or electricity as calculated by using Imperial or Metric methods for measuring the volume or quantity of fuel or electricity used.


If vehicle manufacturers advertise that its newly made vehicle driven by a professional driver with properly inflated tires, will travel X number of miles or kilometers, extensive road tests using test vehicles equipped with the inventor’s components, show that the Drag-reducing components will allow the test vehicle to travel (2 times X) or (three times X) farther than the manufacturer advertises it should go when its new vehicle was driven during ideal testing conditions.


The air resistance-reducing, i.e. Drag-reducing, effect of the inventor’s components on extending vehicles’ distances while using less fuel, means that drivers spend far less money buying fuel and/or electricity, but most importantly the vehicle will be releasing significantly fewer volumes of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere!

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