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1) BEFORE TESTING YOUR VERSION OF THE PATENTED INVENTION ATTACHED TO YOUR PERSONAL VEHICLE. you have to know what your fuel consumption is per kilometer (mile) really is and not what the vehicle manufacturer tells you what it should be. So to independently determine what you vehicle's fuel consumption really is, please follow the following suggestions.


i) Pick a route to drive that you will use to repeatedly to test your versions of the invention, but WITHOUT     using any of the invention’s components attached to your vehicle. 


This test will establish the base-point fuel efficiency that your vehicle achieves that can be compared. after you equip your vehicle with invention's components



ii) Use the steps described in the following Section to determine how much fuel your vehicle is using WITHOUT any of the invention’s components attached to your vehicle.



After attaching your version of the invention’s components to your personal vehicle, begin the road-testing procedure (protocol) that is described in the following STEPS.


Step 1: Fill your fuel tank using the following procedure.

Select the grade of fuel at the fuel pump, remove the hose and insert the hose nozzle into the

vehicle’s fuel tank pipe. 


Activate the trigger and let the fuel pump into your vehicle until it automatically stops pumping fuel.

When fuel pump’s hose trigger cuts out, wait a few seconds then pull trigger once again until

pump hose trigger cuts out a second time.

Do not pull the fuel pump trigger a third time because as any further filling will cause costly fuel

to leak on the ground, or on painted body of vehicle.


Many fuel pumps have a safety valve that when the liquid fuel touches the trigger, it cuts off the flow

of fuel before it overflows onto the ground. 


Because different fuel pump hoses have different settings for their valves, I press the pump

handle once after the first automatic cut off.


The second time it automatically cuts off I do not put any more fuel into the tank.


Step 2: Take your receipt from the fuel station.
Make sure the receipt notes the number of litres or gallons you pumped into your vehicle’s fuel tank.

 With a pen or pencil, circle how many litres or gallons  you purchased and what the total

price is on the receipt.


One company is issuing fuel receipts that do not tell the customer how many litres or gallons of

fuel they have purchased. This allows retailers to alter the gages on their fuel pumps, so the

customer is charged for more fuel than is actually pumped into the vehicle.


Note: in Canada, studies indicate that up to 5% of fuel station owners tamper with their fuel pump

f fuel is $1.00/Litre, put in 1 Litre and check the pump to assure that it charged you $1.00 exactly

before proceed to put more fuel in.


Keeping detailed records (saving your receipts from trusted fuel stations) helps determine if your

version of the device is working to your advantage or as it should.


Step 3: TEST DRIVE YOUR VEHICLE with your version of the invention's components attached to it,

on its test run on the same route that you took BEFORE you attached the invention’s components to your

personal vehicle.


Please note that the invention works using the principles of aeronautics.


The invention saves fuel when the vehicle moves through air at average speeds at or above

100 kilometres per hour, (60 miles per hour).


When vehicles are driven in cities with stop and go at slow speeds, fuel is used by the vehicle

to overcome the forces of friction, and gravity that are acting upon it.  The invention will not improve fuel or

electricity consumption rates at slow speeds and in stop and go traffic.


When vehicles move through air at average speeds of 100 kilometres per hour, the dominant force

acting on vehicles for which fuel must be consumed is air resistance, i.e. Drag.  


The invention will save you fuel and/or electricity at legal highway (freeway, interstate, motorway,

autobahn) speeds.


To road test components, I select a fuel station that is located closest to the highway upon

which the test will be conducted. 


Usually there are a few stop lights between the fuel station and the highway.  The fewer

number of stop lights the better because stop and go traffic guzzles the fuel and this

distorts the effectiveness of your version of the invention to reduce air resistance, i.e. Drag and save fuel.




At the end of the road test, find a fuel station that is closest to the highway.

Refuel your vehicle following the Step (1) procedure.


After refuelling, obtain the fuel station’ cash receipt.  write on the receipt it the number

of kilometres (or miles) shown on the vehicle’s Odometer that measures the total distance travelled


 (It is suggested that you note on the receipt the figures displayed on the vehicle’s odometer.
It is suggested that you do not rely on the vehicle’s trip odometer, because vehicle manufacturers

have been known to alter trip odometers to make drivers think they have travelled farther on

one tank of fuel than they really used.


On the receipt or on a separate piece of paper, note weather conditions experienced during the test.         

As an alternative, you can document this in a log-book (kept in vehicle).


For each tank a fuel, make notes on the weather conditions during testing, estimate the driving

and traffic conditions (city driving, highway driving, lots of stop & go, etc., if windows were

opened/closed, heater or A/C on or off, and average estimated speeds travelled.


Estimate how many times you stop or accelerate, types of tiers, traffic conditions, wind direction,

condition of road, because these are just a few of the factors that influence fuel consumption.


Step 5) TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS as part of your Record Keeping, of your device that you used on the

road test, from the Left side, Right side, Top down, and from the Back of the vehicle looking towards to back window. 


The photographs will help you analyse and understand what components should be added,

removed or changed to get the best fuel-saving results for your vehicle.


To do this calculation please divide the fuel used that is recorded on the receipt obtained in Step (4), at the end of the road test, into total distance travelled. 


To calculate the total distance travelled, subtract the number of kilometres (miles) recorded at the beginning of the road test from the total number of kilometres (miles) recorded on the odometer at the end of the road test i.e., Sept (4)


This subtraction will tell you how far the vehicle travelled during the test.


To determine the fuel consumption per kilometre per litre, (L/Km) or miles per gallon (MPG)

please follow the following steps.


On a new piece of paper, write the end of the test run’s Odometer’s total distance travelled as

recorded on the fuel station’s receipt obtained in Step (4)


Under the end total travelled, write the start of the distance displayed on the receipt obtained in Step (2)

Subtract the START Odometer number from the END Odometer number recorded on fuel receipt obtained in Step (4)


The difference between the END odometer from which is subtracted the START of the test’s odometer reading will tell you how far you travelled on the road test.


2) Record How Much Fuel was Used to Travel the Above Distance

Since the end number of litres or gallons is recorded on the receipt, divide the number of litres

into the distance travelled and you will get the average number of litres consumed by the

vehicle per kilometre.


Some countries use the Imperial system to measure fuel and distances.



The problem is when fuel receipts record in metric (kilometres per litre) but the person driving the

vehicle wants to calculate how far in Imperial(miles per gallon).


The following conversion tools, will help you to calculate the distance travelled in miles and/or fuel

used in gallons.

         To Convert Litres into Imperial Gallons please access:



It is important to note that the Imperial Gallon is bigger than the American Gallon.

                                       The Imperial Gallon contains   4.546 Litres.

                                        The American Gallon contains 3.786 Litres.


               To convert litres into U.S. gallons please access:



             To convert litres to Imperial gallons contains please access:


Once you converted the fuel used in metric, Imperial or US gallons,  divide the amount of fuel used

during the road test into the total distance driven on the road test to calculate the fuel used

per litre, Imperial gallon or US gallon.


You may like to repeat the road test but with different types of components arranged closer or farther

apart from each other to find out if the your personal vehicle’s air resistance (Drag) can be reduced

so that you can save more money and fuel when driving the same route at the same average speed. 


Please remember the more fuel you save, the greater the volumes of Global Warming, Climate Changing, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is not released into the atmosphere.



WARNING Not all gasoline station operators are honest!


How do you know if the gas pump actually delivers the number of gallons or litres displayed on the pump gage?


You do not. 


Some gasoline/diesel retailers tamper with the fuel pump gages to sell you less fuel than displayed on the fuel pump gages. 


The inventor lost six months of road-testing component experiments because the gasoline station he used at the start of a road-test was selling him less fuel than that was printed on the gasoline receipt. 


He reported his observations to the Government, and an investigation confirmed his suspicions. 


The government notified the head office of the national gasoline brand corporation, and the retailer lost his franchiat that location.






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