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Please note that the information provided by this website reflects the inventor’s experiences in creating components of the Patented invention,


The inventor has no idea of the size, shape of your personal vehicle, nor of what materials you will

chose to make the components for your version of the invention.


Therefore, you are advised that the information and instructions provided by the website are offered

only as suggestions, and that you take full responsivity for  your decisions when you create your

version of the invention and that you do so at your own RISK!


Step 1. Purchase a bicycle rack for your vehicle.

There are many types of bicycle racks. The enclosed photographs show the types of bicycle racks that

were used to hold the proof-of-concept hand made, road tested, invention’s components. 


Note: If you cannot obtain a bicycle rack, this website provides instructions on how to make one


Please note that it is far safer to obtain a commercially manufactured bicycle rack because they are

more durable and have less risk of experiencing material failure. 


If the hand-made bicycle rack fails, then the invention’s components will drop off onto the road at

high speed and cause a costly accident to you and others. 


Tip: Try to get a commercially manufactured bicycle rack that has arms to hold up to four bicycles. 

In place of placing your bicycles on the arms,, the rack’s arms will hold the invention’s components.

The components include bicycle rims, frames, strings, hollow tubes and other parts.


Step 2. If you need to hang more components onto the bicycle rack's arms than is safe to do, make

a tubular FRAME that will fit onto the arms of the bicycle rack.


The following drawing Figure (1) shows an drawing of a frame to which the invention’s components

may be attached.





























In the cut away drawing, please note that there is a safety string threaded inside of the frame.

This safety string will hold the pipes together should vibrations cause the corner joints to separate

from each other.


The hollow PVC tubular frame will fit under the attachment fittings on the arms of the bicycle rack.

You will have to use your creative imagination as to the frame’s dimensions that will fit onto your

vehicle’s bicycle rack.


In deciding the dimensions of your bicycle’s frame, please keep in mind that when you attached

components to the frame, the components should be high enough off the ground so they will not

contact the ground nor sidewalk curbs when you are backing  up to park the vehicle. 


Also, when the components are attached to the rack, the vehicle’s signal lights and registration plate

must remain visible to others.


In addition, make sure that when the components are mounted on the frame that they do not block

your line of sight in your rear view or side view mirrors.


One of the advantages for making a frame upon which to mount components is that it is more easily

attached and removed your version of components to the frame when conducting trial and error, road

testing experiments.


Try using one-and-a-half-inch PVC (3.81 centimeter) hollow pipe. This should fit into the bicycle rack

arms’ securing straps.  Another advantage of the frame is that when powerful gusts of wind hit your

car when travelling at 100 kilometers per hour (60 miles per hour), the frame swings with the

pressure in an arc.


The swinging reduces the energy of the powerful forces that are hitting your components so they do 

not detach from the frame.


Tip: most of the invention’s components are hollow. This allows air molecules to flow in and out of

the pipes as they transfer their energies to the inside and outside surfaces of the hollow pipes and

slow down. 


These air molecules randomly contact other molecules and the higher energy air molecules contact the slower molecules so that the size of the areas forming behind moving vehicles is smaller and contain air pressures closer to surrounding air pressures. This resulted in the vehicle experiencing less air resistance i.e. Drag, forces.


Weaker forces acting on moving vehicles results in using less gasoline or diesel to overcome those forces. 


Less fuel burned translates into substantially fewer volumes of Carbon Dioxide being released into

the atmosphere.



Pay special attention to connecting the four tubes to the four corners of the frame, the corners are

import because they must survive twisting and other significant forces acting on the frame.

Consequently, the corners have to be robust and strong to withstand the stresses transferred to

them from strong winds and carrying the weight of the components attached to them.


If commercial right-angled open-ended plumbing pipe elbows is used, it is critically important that

they are securely connected to the tubes so they will not vibrate loose over time.

If a commercial  adhesive is use, match the correct adhesive to the correct type of plastic

that the tube is made out of. 

Try using PVC glue to join PVC pipes together then wrapped the outside of the connector and its

joined tubes with adhesive tape.  In addition, inside the hollow frame, safety cords can be threaded.


The follow drawing of frame made out of hollow tubes, the tubes for the frame used on a test

compact sized station waggon were 1.5 inches in diameter. (Insert picture here)

In the drawing above, “Figure 1” please note the middle of the tube that has been removed to

show a safety cord-string threaded through the tube.


When air flows through the hollow tube, this string vibrates as air molecule transfer portions of their

energies to it.


It is important to note that the ends of the tube are open, not closed. Why is this important?

The open ends of the connectors increase the surface area allowing speeding air molecules to

transfer portions of their energies to the tube walls. As they flow into, though the length of the tube,

and out of the hollow tube.


The arrows in the following graphic illustrates the flow of air from all directions over and through

the tube.


Step 3: Secure the frame to the arms of bike rack.

The frame’s uppermost horizontal tube is hung onto the arm of the bicycle rack.

The frame needs to be securely attached to the bicycle racks arms, but loose enough to allow the

frame to swing forward towards the vehicle and backwards away from the vehicle in a shallow

pendulum arc. 


The secure but loose connection to the arm of the bicycle rack’s arms allows the frame to be flexible

and to safely resolve powerful various forces that act upon by hurricane force air currents.

If the frame and its components were rigidly attached to the bicycle rack’s arms, the risk is that the

frame’s connectors may be fail under the stresses.


If you are using hollow tubes to make your frame, you will need four hollow open ended, right-angled

connectors for each end of the rectangle the tubes form. It is best to have all four ends of the

connectors open to allow air molecules to flow in and out of the hollow tubes.


Step 4. AIR-POROUS Components Attached Safely to A Removable Frame:

Obtain anything that allows air to flow between its parts and attach it to the frame or depending upon its size to the bicycle rack. Use an old bicycle rim with spokes.


 Attach the bicycle rims to the tubular frame tightly tied with string cords, and adhesive tape

reinforced with fiberglass  threads if available.​




























TO AVOID ACCIDENTS,  regularly check the security of the connecting strings and tape especially after rain storms as water may weaken the adhesives. Also please remember that component exposures to Ultra Violet rays from the sun makes plastics brittle. 


As a safety precaution, the bicycle rims should also be tied to each other and to the bicycle rack.

This double and triple tying of parts together, prevents them from falling off the frame when driving the vehicle over bumps, or in extreme weather.


Because the bicycle rim spokes have spaces between them, they tend to vibrate and swing forward and backward with the frame that is attached to the frame. The vibration often prevents dirt, rain, ice, and snow accumulating on them.



Try cutting two shorter lengths of the hollow tube for the vertical sides of the rectangular frame being assembled. Make sure that when the frame is completed and mounted on the bicycle rack it  allows the driver to have an unblocked view through the vehicle's back window.


​The shorter vertical lengths of the hollow tubes when mounted on the bicycle rack have to be high enough off the road so as to prevent it scraping along the road.


Please note the use of flexible strings as an invention’s components.  The idea is that the fastest animals have flexible hairs on their bodies and tails that may help to reduce drag forces when escaping predators. 


Have you ever watched news coverages of tropical storms and wondered why palm trees survive the winds?

Palm trees have shallow roots and should be blown over, but they survive when other trees do not.  The reason may be that the geometry of trunk and leaves of palm trees are long and flexible. 


Another reason may be that the surface bark on palm trees has “V” shapes where leaves and branches formerly grew.

 When high velocity air molecules flow around the trunk of the palm tree, micro vortexes are formed by the bark’s ridges and these air molecules lose some of their energies to the bark and are slowed down. 


The slower air molecules form smaller and weaker areas containing negative air pressures on the opposite side of the trunk from where the winds were blowing. These weaker areas exert less force on the palm tree and weakens the strong winds enough to survive.


Please do not use a mesh screen as a component.  Previous experiments seem to indicate that if holes in the screen are too small, volumes of high velocity air molecules cannot get through them fast enough. 


As far as the principles of aerodynamics is concerned, this results in the size of the vehicle being extended so that he fuels saving effects of the invention’s components are neutralized. In other words, the mesh-screen will not improve fuel economies.



How to make a cardboard and wire bicycle rack upon which the invention’s components will be attached:

Simply cut strips of cardboard and join them together. Use these light-weight strips to make the shape of a temporary frame. (again, need more details here- inches, feet, width, etc.


Cardboard is suggested for this task because it easy to work with. You can make quickly make change, until you feel that the cardboard frame is the best size to carry your choice of parts on the  more permanent bicycle rack made out of tubes wood or steel that can be made with this cardboard template.


Alternatively, you can use hollow tubes and cut two lengths that extend horizontally almost across the back of the vehicle centered in-between the brake and signal lights. (Need picture

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